About Grainbakers, Meet Caitlin
For many years, Caitlin owned a craft brewery and restaurants. Making the great Covid pivot, she relocated to sunny Northern California. Now, she is a baking instructor, designer, oil painter, Mum and marketing geek. She works professionally as a Consultant with her husband, Jeff, at Crafted-Destinations, offering services in restaurant design, mergers and acquisitions, brewery ownership, and peer counseling, and she teaches artisan breadmaking as Grainbakers, a mobile breadmaking school at small American Breweries.
She's on a mission to help small and independently operated breweries thrive in an incredibly competitive market. In 2024, she hopes to bring 3,000+ guests to smaller (under 20,000 BBL) breweries on their slowest nights. She's keen to shine a light on the best breweries, focusing on quality, customers and community. "Small American Breweries are vital to our communities. Last year, they lost ground, closing at a remarkable rate." She travels to brewery-centric cities all over the United States.
June 24 update: "This year, from California to Maine, I've been traveling as Grainbakers Mobile Breadmaking school to 34 Breweries. That's 15,627+ miles, 1,600+ Breadmakers, and thousands of smiles and laughs. I've learned a lot of surprising things about what's happening in American small businesses right now. I'm having a blast. I've met thousands of the most amazing people. I'm so grateful."
With upcoming road trips to Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and more TBD, she's looking for invites to the most beloved breweries that might like to host a class. Send her an invite to your brewery!
Caitlin is a proud member of the Pink Boots Society and an Affiliate Member of the Bay Area Brewer's Guild.